Monday, March 9, 2009

North America's Team? Really, T.O.?

The release of Terrell Owens from the Dallas Cowboys, I must admit, surprised me some. I was sure that Jerry Jones would champion the case for TO to stay with the club for at least one more season. That was not the case and Owens found himself looking for his fourth NFL team at the age of thirty-five.

Apparently there was more of a market for the wideout than many anticipated. Within a week Terrell was standing in his favorite spot: in front of the media. This time to comment on his signing with what he calls "North America's Team", the Buffalo Bills. Despite Dallas being apart of North America as well I feel compelled to say that I hate the term America's Team pertaining to a team in a state that most people dislike unless you are from that state. I realize they seemingly have fans everywhere but if that were the criteria for the nickname I would contend that the Steelers should be America's Team. Steeler fans are everywhere for some reason, and jebus they are noisy. If there were a franchise that embodied America's Team aside from fan fare I have always thought it was a the Bills though. First of all, they wear Red, White, and Blue uniforms. If that isn't a start I don't know what is, I have never once seen the Steelers or Cowboys in such patriotic uniforms. Secondly, they are a small market team...the perennial underdog so to speak. America is the youngest of the top tier nations in the world. The younger brother of all the other world influencers out there, always fighting for our leg of the chicken at the table. Finally, the Bills are owned by Ralph Wilson who is one of the best owners in the league. They are essentially the coolest mom and pop shop in the country, the American dream for America's Team.

But I digress. The real story is Owens fitting into this team that has been mediocre for quite some time now. Their defense is solid but they have lacked any sort of offensive consistency despite Lee Evans being one of the most dynamic receivers in the league. TO's addition to the team should open things up for Evans and vice versa should teams focus on Evans more than Owens. Trent Edwards is a good young quarterback who has performed well when healthy. His main issue is staying on the field which he has yet to do in the NFL. If everyone on this offense stays healthy and they draft a talented tight end like many, including myself, believe they will do I could see the Bills winning something in the range of ten to twelve games and fighting for a playoff spot in one of the toughest divisions in the NFL (AFC East).

AFC East Prediction:

1. New England Patriots
2. Buffalo Bills
3. Baltimore Ravens
4. Miami Dolphins
5. New York Jets

Quick Notes: The Patriots have shown faith in Tom Brady's health by dealing Matt Cassel to the Chiefs so I tend to believe they are the team to beat again in this division. Without the learning curve games for MC last year they would have been right at the top of the division again...The Bills have a much better offense than the Ravens and with some of the players moving on from the Baltimore defense I am inclined to believe they will drop off at least a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I like Joe Flacco but Derrick Mason is no spring chicken and I would take Trent Edwards with TO and Evans over Flacco/Mason anyday...The Dolphins were on the rise in 2008-09 and should mix things up this season as well. It's doubtful that they have all the pieces to win the division though and the Chad Pennington love affair can't last two season's, can it?...The Jets lost their most consistent wide receiver (Coles) and their starting quarterback (Favre). That doesn't sound like a great offensive combination to me, even with their defense improving.

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