Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Well the new year is upon us and I couldn't be happier to see 2008 go. Don't get me wrong I love even numbers and all, but the past year has been a rough one to say the least. Graduating in May was great but the half a year of crippling unemployment has been, well...crippling. Alas, that is the negative and this, being a new year, is the time to focus on the positives. I've already sent out approximately 4 job applications which is almost 1 a day in 2009. At that rate I am bound to find something soon...uh...right?

Another bright spot is my main new year's resolution. I found a website that outlines a 16 week program for getting 6-pack abs. Seeing as I have little else to do and I wouldn't mind having a toned midsection (hey, can't hurt my chances with the ladies I suppose...though my incredible awkwardness will likely do that for me) I thought I would make it my new year's resolution. The website is www.iwantsixpackabs.com in case anybody running across this blog wants to check it out. I am only 2 days into my first week but I can say that following the dietary outlines for this brief time has already helped me feel healthier and the workouts have to be working (nobody in the history of man has ever been as sore as I was today).

That's it for now, I hope everyone had a great holiday season and here's wishing you a happy new year.

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