Monday, January 19, 2009

It has been nearly two full weeks since my last post so now is as good as time as any to update the ongoing non-happenings that is my life. The job applications continue to pour out into the world with minimal returns. I've heard back from only one job in the last month and that was an email response last Tuesday. The email was to ask what the best time to contact me via phone was and I responded the same day saying that I would be available anytime during the day on weekdays. Of course, I haven't heard from this potential employer since then. Such is life.

In the sporting world we are down to only two remaining teams in the NFL playoffs. I must admit I was rooting for a Cardinals and Ravens showdown in the Superbowl. No definite reason for this, mostly just because the Ravens were the underdog and I am kind of tired of the media coverage that is afforded to certain teams in the league (Steelers included). The Cards making the Superbowl is nothing short of amazing. Everybody, including myself, counted them out in round one but that is why they play the games. I will be rooting for them in the big game and I have become a fan of Larry Fitzgerald throughout these playoffs. Does anybody work as hard as that guy does? I mean, he carries at least an extra five pounds in dreadlocks and still can't be stopped. It really is impressive.

In the NBA I find the lone bright spot of my favorite sports teams. The Orlando Magic find themselves with the second best record in the league behind the Cleveland Cavaliers. Last Friday's game was especially sweet for me because the Magic were in LA playing the Lakers. To fully understand what makes this a sweet game for me you must hold two truths. The first truth is that the Magic won this game by a final score of 109-103. The second truth is that my father is a lifelong Laker fan and thus they have grown to become one of my least favorite teams (because that is just the kind of sports relationship my father and I have). I can't wait to see what the Magic can do once they get Pietrus' defense back after his hand heals up. I am not saying we will finish with the best record in the league or anything but I do believe we have a real chance to make a serious run in the playoffs if we can stay healthy.

On the new year's resolution front, I am happy to report that I have and continue to stick to my workout regiment and dietary changes. I weighed myself on Saturday and I have lost seven pounds over the first two weeks. That is more than I could have anticipated. I feel lighter and generally much better about myself. I haven't had an alcoholic drink since new year's or a soda since I implemented the changes into my life. My friends find me to be slightly boring I think, but I am also useful as a sober driver so it all evens out. Now if I could only find a girl who is as boring as I am...

That is it for now friends, I hope to have something to report soon. Until I do I hope that everyone who stumbles across this finds themselves well and in good fortune.

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