Tuesday, January 12, 2010

NFL Playoffs, Round 2

First thing's first, anybody who knows me knows that I was quite disappointed with how that Packers @ Cardinals game turned out.  As a Packer fan I can say I wasn't entirely ticked off that they didn't call the face mask on that final play in overtime.  Yeah, it would have continued the game on the personal foul but really when that kind of play is happening you will almost never see that call made.  The same way you will rarely see a foul on a desperation heave in the final seconds of a game in the NBA.  I was, however, very disappointed in the missed pass by Aaron Rodgers that sailed right over the head of a wide open Greg Jennings who had nobody behind of him and would have won the game had Rodgers hit him.  That was the toughest part of overtime for me, despite the incredibly rare ending.

Ok, with that behind us we can move on to the week ahead of us.  There are some very interesting games this weekend that could prove to provide a fruitfully entertaining NFL weekend instead of the 3 out of 4 duds that were the wild card round.  Let's take a look at each game by game...

Arizona Cardinals @ New Orleans Saints
We'll start with the victors of last week's lone thriller, the Cardinals take their high powered passing game to The Big Easy.  Waiting for them there is the also high flying attack of the Saints led by gun slinger Drew Brees.  For me, this matchup boils down to one thing.  Defense.  Wait...what?!?!  Yes, that is right friends...defense.  After last week's game for Arizona it has become abundantly clear that when two offenses are clicking it boils down to which defense makes that one big play.  I also think that, despite the stats saying otherwise the Saints have a more solid defense.  Or at least more consistent, as Arizona seems to be off and on from week to week depending on where they are playing and the level of team they are playing.  So I think the combination of playing on the road and against a very good Saints team (regardless of their recent struggles that are being plugged in the media) I give the edge to New Orleans in this one.

Baltimore Ravens @ Indianapolis Colts
The second Saturday game finds the favorite home team Colts hosting a Baltimore team that is coming of a good old fashioned beat down of New England in round one.  So, the real question of the week seems to be if the Ravens can keep their momentum rolling or if they are going to have a let up at the wrong time as the Colts will take advantage of any miscues.  Perhaps Ray Rice isn't the league MVP but he has to be the Baltimore MVP as I don't think any single player is as important to their team as this little guy with a big engine has been this year.  He is tough to bring down despite his small frame and when he gets into space he is even harder to catch.  He is not nearly as dynamic, but he reminds me a little of Barry Sanders in that regard.  Everyone seems to think that the Colts are gonna win this game.  I am not so convinced.  I saw a very confident Ravens team on both sides of the ball against the Patriots and I think we are going to see the same team this weekend.  I am not saying this is going to be another walk for Baltimore but I have to say, I am confident this team can take down the Colts.  I am going to take the Ravens based on their defense and their running game.  I think they'll make a conscious effort to take the air out of the ball and control the clock on the ground.

Dallas Cowboys @ Minnesota Vikings
As a Packer fan I have an intense rooting interest in this one and I wouldn't feel right picking a winner as there is absolutely no way I could be objective with Captain Flip Flop quarterbacking the Vikings.  I'll just throw a couple of points out that affect my opinion of this game.  The Cowboys are actually playing well at the right time for once in Wade Phillips' career.  I hate both of these teams but my hate for the Vikings (and Bears) trumps any hate I have for a non-divisional opponent.  My dad is a Vikings fan and after this weekend I really want to return the phone call I got from him.  I think that is about all I've got, besides GO COWBOYS (I will never say that again I am pretty sure).

New York Jets @ San Diego Chargers
New Jersey's B squad has a long flight but will surely enjoy the weather when they arrive in my current city of residence.  That might be the only thing they enjoy on the weekend though.  San Diego is clearly the better team in most aspects of the game.  The Jets defense is better overall, especially with the best defensive back left in the playoffs (now that Defensive POY Charles Woodson is out) on their side in Revis.  Even with the Jets' stout defense I find it hard to believe that they are going to be able to stop all the weapons the Chargers have including LT, Sproles, Gates, and Jackson.  Not to mention that Phillip Rivers is playing out of his mind this year, like every other year, for that matter.  We really shouldn't be surprised at this fact anymore.  Despite Eli Manning's ring the Chargers got the better end of that deal in my opinion because the Giants won their Superbowl because of their defensive front while if the Chargers win a Superbowl this year it will be in large part to Rivers.  I just think the Chargers are going to score more than the Jets offense with a rookie QB is going to be able to keep up with.  If I were a betting man, I would take the Chargers in a close game for about a half with San Diego pulling away late.

Hope everyone enjoyed the first round of the playoffs and enjoys the second round a lot more than I liked the first weekend.  Chargers are my rooting interest with the Packers out, so I will take this opportunity to apologize to San Diego Charger fans now since my teams haven't won a championship since the Packers Superbowl victory in 1996.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Life of an Out of Market Fan...

As someone who has developed an almost inexplicable love for the Green Bay Packers while living in California I have come to accept my plight as an out of market fan.  Since I rent a room in a person's house and that person doesn't have directTV I am unable to subscribe to NFL sunday ticket.  This means that if I want to watch a Packer game during a week that we are not nationally televised I have two options.  I can go spend money I don't necessarily have at a local bar that does have NFL sunday ticket or I can site glued to my laptop searching through countless live feeds on the internet trying to find a serviceable stream of the game.

Most of these feeds get shut down mid game which only adds to the frustration.  There are always the games that we, as fans, "must" see.  Today's game between the Green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49ers was one such game.  Being from a town in northern California most of my friends and family are fans of the Squared Sevens and I follow them casually as long as they aren't playing my Packers.  When these teams play I feel doubly compelled to watch the game so I can interact with friends and family that will also be watching the game.  So, do I go to the bar or do I search for the stream?

This really wasn't a question for me as I knew I wasn't leaving the house.  I've been sick all week and there is no way I was going to a bar to spend money nor drink beer nor possibly infect others with my cold.  This meant that I needed to find a stream of the game and needed to find it fast.  I have a couple go to sites that I check for the games, the most reliable of which is JTV, which is a site I am on at least once a weekend if the Packers aren't nationally televised.  Then there are the apps that stream feeds you can use but those require downloads and sometimes registration and sometimes come with risks.  This Sunday I was scouring JTV for the Packer game and found only one, which was an audioless feed of someone with a web came pointed at their TV set.  It was better than nothing.  Then that feed was shut down before half time leaving me with nothing and sending me back to the search engines.  I eventually found a decent feed on an application player (TVU) and was happy watching this feed for the rest of the first half.  Then this feed was taken down and I was once again cast asunder with no hope in sight.

Eventually I found my last feed of the day through extensive search engine research and couldn't even tell you where I found it nor probably find it again myself (probably should have bookmarked that for future reference, damn).  Anyhow, the point of all of this...to any out of market fans out there, I feel your pain and I am in the same boat as you.  It is a crappy, warped, and leaky excuse for a schooner but at least we have the faith to keep it afloat.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week 11 Fantasy Football Predictions (Rivalry Week Edition)

It is finally here friends.  Rivalry week is upon us and our most beloved friends become our most hated adversaries.  The playoff picture is starting to present itself but there are still many teams vying for those finals slots.  Rob is the first to lock in his playoff ticket with his 8-2 record. There are many good teams looking up at him though including our points leader who is currently sitting seventh.  Without further ado, let us take a look back at last week’s projections and get into this week’s rivalry action…apparently brought to us by Tyson Anytizers.  Last week I got back to my roots with a real sub-par performance in the picks.  I took myself over Dan, Adam over Owen, Galen to top Wesley, Thomas to take down Kenneth, Douglas to beat Geoff, Rob to dismantle Stills, and Collin to surprise Vimel.  Well, that didn’t work out all that well for me.  Adam, Galen, and Rob were successful calls but the other four…not so much.  That 3-4 week brings the running tally to 37-26.  Eeking my way back to that middle of the road territory.  Let’s just move on to rivalry week, shall we?

In this, the second week of the NFL’s Thursday night football we find only two matchups in our league that slid by the day with scores untouched.  Let’s start with one of these fresh little babies…

Da Bears (5-5) vs. Brownies (4-6)
This rivalry matchup is classic and pits two fantasy owners that couldn’t be different against each other.  Few, if any, talk more trash than our loveably arrogant GDS while Thomas is one of the league’s quietest GMs on the message boards.  Is confidence in ones self enough to take down our points leader in rivalry week?  Brees has a gem of a matchup playing in Tampa, Manningham against Atlanta is also favorable, and Shiancoe should get his projected ten against the Seahawks.  Ochocinco faces Oakland where defensive secondary is the only bright spot, Forsett is in Minnesota and Garcon is banged up and in Baltimore…yikes.  You’ll notice I didn’t throw Gates into either category and that is because I feel like he is unique in that his matchup is tough against the Broncos but Champ Bailey will be on VJ most of the game which means Gates should be the primary target in that game so he will likely do quite well.  Thomas has his Vikings (Harvin, AP, Rice, and Benedict Arnold) playing Seattle, Colston will accompany Brees to Tampa and Crabtree is in Green Bay…You gotta like those matchups if you are Thomas and I gotta like Thomas in this one.

Root Marm (5-5) vs. Errant Dog (6-4)
These two GMs have a long history dating back to the Cedar Meadows days and have brought their rivalry to the streets of Long Beach in the present day.  Two of our most devout Niner faithful will not cheer for the same teams on this day as both of these teams needs this win desperately.  The Missbehavin Mutts’ tough draws are Addai in Baltimore and Coles against the Raider secondary.  Everyone else should do quite well, especially Gore against the Packers where good line play isn’t a readily used phrase.  Privers has a tough draw going to the mile high city and Cotch plays the Pats.  Jermichael Finley is an interesting play for Wes considering he is coming off injury and has never been considered our (the Packers) starting TE.  His ability for big plays is unquestioned though.  Cedric the Entertainer being out is a bit disappointing and I don‘t see Scott doing what CB would have…for this reason, I am going to take Adam in this matchup making it that much tougher for Wes to hold on to his playoff spot.

Team Pavlik (7-3) vs. Bulletproof Tiger (2-8)
This is a real rumble…or would be if it were circa 2002, we were in Millville, intoxicated, and there were only one bowl of home made mac and cheese left.  Does this battle of old friends and fellow kings fans meet the intensity of the aforementioned scenario?  In a word…no.  Flacco against Indy, Forte and Hester against Philly, and Carlson in Minnesota aren’t great matchups.  Ryan Moats just got demoted behind Steve Slaton again and I doubt Austin and Breaston have the ability to overcome those troubles.  Big Ben is in KC, Marshall plays a soft SD secondary, Sims-Walker hosts Buffalo, Sjax hosts Arizona, and Ricky Williams already went supernova on Carolina.  All that means Braylon and Olson having tough draws aren’t a big deal and Vimel will win this in a walk.  He will mostly likely celebrate by pounding 3-7 shots of 151 and then yelling at you to punch him in the face until you refuse so much that he gets fed up and starts wailing on his own face with closed palms.  That kind of intensity is hard to match, and Owen’s fantasy team just doesn’t have the stomach for it.

C-minus (4-6) vs. Late Bloomer (8-2)
This is where I would build up the match between Randy and Hank, the alter egos of Collin and Rob respectively.  That being said, I have been forced to side step that point due to this:  C-minus
November 18, 2:17 pm
This could be my KO from playoff chances. Every week from here on out is must win.
Late Bloomer
November 18, 7:41 pm
I wish I could help you out this week Collin...but I think it would look kinda obvious if I benched Manning and Clark. Also, Hank takes no prisoners...you can't control that guy.
Late Bloomer
November 20, 5:15 pm
I rescind my previous post...as it seems I have already clinched a playoff spot, I have decided to rest some of my key players. You know, don't want to risk injury. GL HF
Then Rob took out Peyton Manning, Dallas Clark, and Chris Johnson…This is an abomination and I’m over it.  I’m not even going to make a prediction because this angers me so much.

Totalitarian Utopia (3-7) vs. Out of first round (4-6)
Dan said it best witih, “This is the red headed step child of rivalry matchups.”  These two have known each other for a while now and while Stills’ brash ‘anything goes’ mentality has at times clashed with Doug’s wholesome innocence it is hardly enough to warrant a rivalry for many.  Nonetheless they meet here, in this battle for…uhhh…I guess they still have playoff hopes (Doug more so than Stills).  The mythical societies have great matchups save TJ in NE while Doug has Burleson in Minn as his toughest draw.  The draws seem pretty even and that makes me want to pick this based on roster, which means Stills is at a disadvantage.  I have to believe that Doug wins this game and keeps his slim chances alive for another week.

San Diego Booyans! (6-4) vs. Selena Y Los Dinos (6-4)
This very well could be the game of the week as both of these owners come in with the same record and fight for south side pride.  Their bad blood can be traced back to their days running around the tough south side streets of Redding and balling on the mean courts of Bonny View.  Which former Bobcat will make the other their prey?  My WRs continue to be an abomination and with Dwayne Bowe suspended for four games it certainly doesn’t help anything.  The SF defense won’t be easy on Rodgers and Baltimore will try to keep the Indy passing attack in check (Austin Collie included).  DW had a solid game on Thursday but was it enough for me to pull out the victory?  Ken’s draws are easily more favorable than mine with Keller in NE the lone toughy.  I think DW will out duel Moreno but with Holmes in KC, Fitz @STL, Schaub hosting Tennessee, and MJD in upstate New York I have this funny feeling like I am in real trouble.  Hopefully we get a miracle from someone, cause I am gonna need it.  Ken should win this first annual battle, though the rivalry will be far from over as south siders never know when to quit.

Purple People Eaters (3-7) vs. Life and Limb (7-3) *Game of the Week*
This was supposed to be a rivalry game between two of the league’s top teams as indicated from last year’s performances.  Dan has held up his end of the bargain while Galen has run into a string of bad luck all year.  This game makes or breaks Galen’s season (as will each game for the rest of the regular season).  VJ in Denver is Galen’s toughest draw as Champ Bailey will be with him most, if not all, of the night.  Everything else is peachy though, and I do mean peachy.  For Dan, Hassy and Housh are in Minnesota where they play football indoors.  Reggie Wayne plays the Ravens but will undoubtedly continue to do his thing.  Andre Johnson gets Tennessee and will have a good time with that.  These really are the most evenly matched rosters this week despite their records being inverted.  In the spirit of keeping his season alive, and because I really think he has a good shot at it, I am taking Galen in a squeaker.

There you have it.  This concludes our rivalry week edition of the predictions and I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s hard fought battles…except for Collin and Robbies’ which is an abomination of gamesmanship.  Is it possible for them both to lose?  Anyway, enjoy the games tomorrow and Monday everybody.  Squared Sevens visit the increasingly colder tundra of Lambeau Field this weekend, both teams fighting for their outside chances of making a wildcard bid.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Predictions for My Fantasy Football League

 Well, as maybe three of you may have noticed there was no week 9 edition of the predictions column.  While I know this is heart breaking there is a good reason for it…well, a reason at least.  Friday night I went out with some co-workers for an after work happy hour at a local bar which turned into a let’s all keep partying and hanging out night.  This leads me to Saturday where I found myself slightly hungover with a friend and we decided we needed greasy food and college football, since OSU was in the midst of dispatching PSU and I needed to watching it live for sanity reasons.  We decided that a bar was the perfect place to satiate both these needs and promptly discovered that the bar we had decided upon had specials on buckets of Coors Lights running all day.  This was good and bad news, of course.  Long story short I started drinking at 1pm Saturday and eventually Steve Larson came out of hiding and managed to get thrown out of a bar we migrated to later in the evening and lost my ATM card.  That Steve Larson guy is a real ass and makes my life hard to live sometimes.  Needless to say, I am gonna go ahead and lay low this weekend.  Perhaps sleep a lot, go for a walk on the beach or in lovely Balboa Park but I can assure you Steve Larson is grounded.  On that note let’s turn our attention back to our lovely league of fantastical proportions.  None of you may recall that when we last left the predictions column I was coming off of a shitty week 7 on the picks side and was needing a rebound.  Well let’s see how I faired in week 8 with the predictions.  I took my Booyans to avoid being consumed by discolored humans, Tigers to maul idealistic dictators, That silver bullet to pierce some doggies, Bears to be ruthless and soul-less killing machines against elderly women, Tardy fruition to take place all over Selena’s grill, Pavlik to KO the poop stains, and the gaudy mansions to trump a modest goal.  With that all being said I am happy to announce that week 8 was, with myself, Owen, Collin, Thomas, Robbie, Vimel, and Dan all winning…my first UNDEFEATED week of the season!  Talk about a rebound week.  With that nice showing we boost the overall record to 34-22 coming off what we will call the column’s bye week.  Let’s keep the momentum rolling!

As we know this is the first week of the rest of our season…and by that I mean that this is the first week a select few get to watch Thursday night games on NFL Network.  In honor of this, let’s start with the two teams that this Thursday’s game had the most impact on…

Bulletproof Tiger (2-7) vs. Errant Dogs (5-4)
Each team had three positions going on Thursday and if I had to pick a winner of the day it would be Owen as he saw 45 points from Forte, Hester, and Gould while Adam got 44 and a quarter from Gore, VD, and the Squared Seven defense.  If you would have asked me Wednesday who’s three I would have taken I would have Sain scoffed in your face and taken them misbehaving mutts.  Shows how much I know I guess; I’m about as qualified at this stuff as Eric Karabel.  Does this new information mean that Owen is the favorite to win this matchup now?  Well, let’s take a look shall we.  Flacco plays in Cleveland, Breaston against the Seahawks (listed as probable), Austin @ Lambeau (where defense is a forget term) and Carlson in the Arizona desert are all a great start for Owern to keep the momentum rolling.  Only Cribbs against the Ravens is a poor draw for him.  The Mosseseseses have tough draws for Adam’s puppies but Randy is usually a good show despite the draw.  Ryan in NC is favorable and Mason should cancel out most of Flacco in Cleveland.  I must admit I voted for Adam before the Thursday nighter and I am not convinced the good start for Owen is enough for me to change it.  Mutts in a closer win then originally thought.

Too Many Grandmas (5-4) vs. Purple People Eaters (2-7)
Next we find ourselves with two teams that have had polar opposite seasons.  Wes got off to a nice start to the year and Owen Daniels was a very large part of that.  With OD out of commission the Grandmas have stumbled of late and hope to clot their thinned blood’s flow.  On the other hand we have Galen, who has been the poster child for bad luck as his team was at one time second in the league in points (now sitting seventh) yet find themselves at merely 2-7.  Are these teams headed in opposite directions?  Brady plays in Indy where it will be a gritty game but he will likely fair well in my opinion.  Kevin Smith in Minnesota and Vincent Jackson against the Iggles are the tough draws for the PPEs.  Boldin against Seattle, Barber in GB, Shockey in the Gateway City, and Celek in my area are all good news for the squad.  For Wes’ AARP groupies Privers, Pettigrew, Calvin Johnson, and Cedric the Entertainer all have impeccably tough draws.  Is Roddy in NC, Cotch-itch hosting the Jags and Pierre Thomas in the STL enough to overcome?  Methinks not so much.  I am going with Galen in this one, though it should be close…and Galen doesn’t have a great track record with close weeks this season.  Nevertheless, the winds of change are blowing my friends and this matchup is a clear indicator.

Team Pavlik (6-3) vs. C-minus (4-5)
This is a crucial game for both of these teams fighting for position in the playoff picture.  Vimel was the only one in this matchup with players playing Thursday night and mustered nearly 29 points from a trio of Greg Olsen, Chicago’s D, and Charles Tillman.  Basically they are who we thought they were as Denny Green might say of these Bears.  Big Ben with Cincy, Mike Sims-Walker in New Jersey B, and Sjax hosting the Saints are the bad while Brandon Marshall in the nation’s capital, Michael Turner in NC and Braylon hosting the Jags are the good for Vimfuck.  CP9 and Hines Ward play against each other in Pittsburgh, LT hosts Philly, and the lone Steve Smith for Collin this week hosts Atlanta to round out the tough draws for C-money.  The good includes Witten in GB, Reggie in STL, and a rejuvenated Chambers in the East Bay (I think, he’s a spotty play but if he scores 10 FP it’s a win for Collin).  I voted for Collin before Thursday and I am sticking to my guns based on what I have in front of me.  Also, a special note to Vimel and his Cowboys: We  need this week’s game like mammals need oxygen so please do me a favor and tank it on your trip to Lambeau cause you guys can afford a loss and still make the playoffs.  The reality is if we lose this game our season is lost…also, if your D-line could find it in their hearts to not kill Aaron Rodgers as they blow through our disgusting excuse for an O-line I would greatly appreciate it.

Brownies (3-6) vs. Out of the first round (4-5)
This is either going to really put Scip in a real hole for the season or make the playoff picture incredibly cloudy.   Brees plays a cupcake as he goes to STL, Bess has a favorable matchup against the Buccs, Shiancoe against the Lions and Marshawn in Tennessee are also quite favorable for GDS.  Caldwell is an upgrade with Chris Henry out but playing in Pitt is less than favorable.  I have to say I like Romo and Doug’s Packers to score well as I see that game being a who can score last affair.  Welker will get his catches as usual and Burleson is in AZ, which isn’t exactly known as a defensive stopper.  Despite Brees’ easy week I think Doug’s OOFRs have what it takes to lock this thing down.  I really wish I had more to say about this matchup because it really is incredibly meaningful as both teams have a chance at the playoffs still but I words have escaped me for some reason.  I apologize and will try to do better with the next matchup…

Da Bears (5-4) vs. Selena Y Los Dinos (5-4)
This is by no means a make or break week for either of these teams but the winner is clearly awarded the inside track to a playoff spot as they come in with the same record.  This would be the game of the week if it weren’t for our final matchup to be named later due to it’s importance but there are some key elements that make it lose a little luster in mine eye.  The first of those elements being the Texans on bye meaning no Schaub for Kenbo88 and VY instead getting the start.  At least he’s playing a poor team.  I also don’t dig that Thomas’ team lives or dies by the Vikings (so far living the lifestyle of the rich and famous) and the Vikes are hosting the Lions this week.  That doesn’t bode well for anybody in Michigan or Ken.  The only question mark for Thomas is whether TO will play or not.  All signs point to yes as he practiced today.  TO has been, well, horrid by his standards but at least plays one of, if not the, worst pass defense in the league to date this week.  Based on these findings I can’t help but assume Thomas is going to win this week in a game that would be close if, perhaps, both teams were at full strength but Ken putting all his eggs in Schaub’s basket and having to go to VY for a week is all bad.

Late Bloomer (7-2) vs. Totalitarian Utopia (3-6)
Somehow we have gone from one of the best matchups of the week to arguably the worst.  Not the worst in the sense that both teams are terrible but in the sense this thing is looking pretty one sided.  Stills has a miraculous three wins while Rob has quietly become the toast of the league with the best record and second most points.  This should be a quick review then.  Manning to Clark has been epic this season but finds a tough draw with the Pats but all the others for the Bloomers are good as gold.  Stills’ matchups are looking pretty good themselves but Mendenhall and Miller are a little rocky against the Bengals and on an even playing field he basically has no shot at toppling Rob.  This won’t be close and as Stills said in the posts, is perfect for a good laugh.

San Diego Booyans! (6-3) vs. Sierra Nevada Estate (6-3) *Game of the Week*
I know what you’re thinking, “Oh great, Jon gave himself the game of the week again…what a prick.“  Well, shut your pie hole whilst I explain.  Dan and I enter this week as second and third in the league by record (second and sixth by points) and that record happens to be the same.  In addition, Dan has inexplicably carried a deep seeded hatred for my teams throughout the years.  Perhaps he fears my incredible genius and talent prospecting prowess.  Maybe he is threatened by my ability to consistently field teams that appear immensely pedestrian by name power but manage to make the playoffs year in and year out.  Might it be that he is still bitter I control a seemingly insurmountable lead in our epic one on one basketball series?  Who can say, really?  Enough set up, let’s take a look at the matchup.  Hasselbeck and Housh should fair well in AZ, Jackson and McCoy will have fun in SD but that is the extent of the good matchups for DY.  Wayne will get his for sure, but it’s a tough draw against the Pats, Stewart is with my boy DW at home with the Falcons and Fred Davis plays the Broncos.  I have already said that I think GB vs. Dal will be a who can score last game and that is why I have put in the constantly underperforming RW and I think AR will have one heck of a game at home.  Bowe is shady in Oakland with their secondary but he’s the best WR in that city for the weekend.  Holt is a trash heap, but should at least get 8 to 9 which is all I have come to expect from him and anything else is just gravy.  And then there is Ray Ray in Cleveland on Monday, that is probably going to be the reason I win.  Yahoo projects him at 26.33 which is a bit lawl-able but I like his chances.  I also like my chances and that is why I am officially jinxing myself against Dan this week in what is the perfect almost rivalry game to get me ready for rivalry week next week.

To the right is a snapshot of our current league standings.  I am the San Diego BooYans! in SECOND PLACE!

I am getting a raging clue for our upcoming playoffs.  They are rapidly approaching and I can’t wait.  That being said I am looking forward to this week and next week as well, unless the Packers lose this week in which case I will add mid-April to my list of things I am looking forward to (the NFL draft is held in mid April for those of you that are slow with the uptake).  Good luck this week my friends, Daniel Young excluded of course.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Back on the Horse...

Ok, I must admit that I have been completely lazy over the last 6 months which has resulted in me neglecting my want and need to write.  This is a complete shame as there have been some great sports action over that time frame as well.  Hopefully those select few that have found my blog back then will appreciate the return to form.

As you know the World Series is currently in full swing.  Ya know, if the "world" only spans from New York to Philadelphia.  I should preface anything that may come in regards to said series by saying I don't necessary like either team, and down right loathe the Yankee's ability to, and general willingness to, outbid everyone else for the best players.  I guess that means I am pulling for the Phillies.  Currently the Yankees lead the series 3 games to 2 and game 6 is being played as I type this.  The score sits at 7-3 in the bottom of the 7th meaning the Yanks have a pretty good shot at wrapping this thing up tonight.

In other sports news, the NBA season is just over a week old.  I think the surprise of the season for me so far is the Phoenix Suns.  I fully expected them to be completely middle of the road but they were cruising along and undefeated until they ran into the (my) Orlando Magic tonight.  Both teams left the game 4-1 after the Magic coasted to a 122-100 victory behind Dwight Howard's 25 points, and Jameer Nelson's double-double.  There are still 2 teams clinging to perfection and they are the Boston Celtics and Denver Nuggets.  Both teams are pumping on all cylinders right now, especially the Celts who are averaging a staggering 101 points for with only 80 points against.  That's a scary thought as a fan of the Magic who also reside in the east, yikes.

The NFL is entering week 9 and there are still 2 teams in that league hanging on to perfection as well.  The Indianapolis Colts have looked extremely strong in their run to 7-0 and have done so without their second best WR in Anthony Gonzalez who is expected back in the next week or two.  However, it is the New Orleans Saints who get the most media play about going undefeated through the entirety of the season as their schedule is pretty easy for the remainder of the season.  Their toughest remaining games include hosting New England in week 12 and going to Atlanta in week 14.  That isn't to say their 2 remaining games with Carolina and home game against Dallas will be easy, but it is to say that the other 4 games that include 2 with Tampa Bay as well as the Rams and Redskins will be.  I don't think it will happen, I should admit I am pulling for it to happen though as I can't stand the '72 Dolphins and their open disdain for any team that comes remotely close to their record.  Serious, has any team or individual for that matter made you resent their accomplishment more than this team and Don Shula?  I wasn't even alive when it happened but I appreciate the fact that no other team has done it (though that is arguable as the Patriots have a small claim to that record [unless you ask a '72 Dolphins member]).  Maybe it's just me, but I want someone to end their stupid champagne party of arrogance.

I think that pretty much covers the recap of where I stand with everything since I've been out of the writing habit.  I have hopes to post an entry twice a month at minimum, and hopefully more frequent when the mood or inspiration should strike.

Until that time, keeping cheering sports fans.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Man Ram and the 'Roids

Breaking news of Manny Ramirez testing positive for performance enhancing drugs and being suspended 50 games by the offices of major league baseball.

The Dodgers have the best record in the league and just set the record for consecutive home wins to open a season (13). Reportedly a minor league outfielder has already been contacted for call up and the Dodgers are going to have to try and fill the offensive production lost with Manny at home.

I am not going to say I knew this was coming as Manny has no history of performance enhancing drugs in the past. However, I will note that he has been off personality wise for a while and this news in no way shocks me in hindsight. How someone can be that absurdly productive and that off the wall personality wise and not be on something seems a little far fetched.

We will have to wait and see how Manny tries to explain this. I am sure it will ride somewhere along the lines of the unknowing Barry Bonds argument but could stem from the Sammy Sosa I only did it once camp (referring to Sosa's corked bat discovered in game). Only time will tell, should be interesting news coming from LA for baseball fans in the next few hours/days.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How Anti-climactic?

Real anti-climactic...

That NCAA national title game was over halfway through the first half. It was a dominating performance of near perfect basketball for the Tar Heels. Not much more to say than that. Michigan State has a better chance for next year in all likeliness as North Carolina will lose Ty Lawson, Tyler Hansborough, and probably Wayne Ellington. Ellington was the most outstanding player of the final four.

Congrats to Chapel Hill.