Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Back on the Horse...

Ok, I must admit that I have been completely lazy over the last 6 months which has resulted in me neglecting my want and need to write.  This is a complete shame as there have been some great sports action over that time frame as well.  Hopefully those select few that have found my blog back then will appreciate the return to form.

As you know the World Series is currently in full swing.  Ya know, if the "world" only spans from New York to Philadelphia.  I should preface anything that may come in regards to said series by saying I don't necessary like either team, and down right loathe the Yankee's ability to, and general willingness to, outbid everyone else for the best players.  I guess that means I am pulling for the Phillies.  Currently the Yankees lead the series 3 games to 2 and game 6 is being played as I type this.  The score sits at 7-3 in the bottom of the 7th meaning the Yanks have a pretty good shot at wrapping this thing up tonight.

In other sports news, the NBA season is just over a week old.  I think the surprise of the season for me so far is the Phoenix Suns.  I fully expected them to be completely middle of the road but they were cruising along and undefeated until they ran into the (my) Orlando Magic tonight.  Both teams left the game 4-1 after the Magic coasted to a 122-100 victory behind Dwight Howard's 25 points, and Jameer Nelson's double-double.  There are still 2 teams clinging to perfection and they are the Boston Celtics and Denver Nuggets.  Both teams are pumping on all cylinders right now, especially the Celts who are averaging a staggering 101 points for with only 80 points against.  That's a scary thought as a fan of the Magic who also reside in the east, yikes.

The NFL is entering week 9 and there are still 2 teams in that league hanging on to perfection as well.  The Indianapolis Colts have looked extremely strong in their run to 7-0 and have done so without their second best WR in Anthony Gonzalez who is expected back in the next week or two.  However, it is the New Orleans Saints who get the most media play about going undefeated through the entirety of the season as their schedule is pretty easy for the remainder of the season.  Their toughest remaining games include hosting New England in week 12 and going to Atlanta in week 14.  That isn't to say their 2 remaining games with Carolina and home game against Dallas will be easy, but it is to say that the other 4 games that include 2 with Tampa Bay as well as the Rams and Redskins will be.  I don't think it will happen, I should admit I am pulling for it to happen though as I can't stand the '72 Dolphins and their open disdain for any team that comes remotely close to their record.  Serious, has any team or individual for that matter made you resent their accomplishment more than this team and Don Shula?  I wasn't even alive when it happened but I appreciate the fact that no other team has done it (though that is arguable as the Patriots have a small claim to that record [unless you ask a '72 Dolphins member]).  Maybe it's just me, but I want someone to end their stupid champagne party of arrogance.

I think that pretty much covers the recap of where I stand with everything since I've been out of the writing habit.  I have hopes to post an entry twice a month at minimum, and hopefully more frequent when the mood or inspiration should strike.

Until that time, keeping cheering sports fans.

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