Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy January 27th everybody. Few things happening in what is becoming my extremely boring life. I may or may not have mentioned that I play World of Warcraft. If I haven't, I play World of Warcraft. Except for the last week as I haven't logged in for around eight days now. Not really sure why just needed a break from it I guess. When you are unemployed and play WoW it can really start to eat up some of your awake hours.

I'm still applying for jobs left and right with little to no prospects on the horizon. The most notable job application since my last post is my compensation associates application with Google. That would be pretty righteous place to work and it's in the bay area which would be ideal for me. Far enough from my hometown where I don't have to visit all the time, but close enough to friends and family that I could visit when the need arises. Though considering I didn't hear from Google on the first application I sent their way and the fact that the job market is flooded with people likely far more experienced than I, I don't exactly expect to have anything come of it...unfortunately. Optimistic, I know, but that's just who I am.

In sporting news the Superbowl is just around the corner. We didn't get the all bird matchup that I was hoping for and the Steelers are favored in the game, as they should be. I am really pulling for the Cardinals though, especially because their division is so terrible and nobody gave them a shot because of it. My Magic have slipped a bit in the last week after having the best record in the NBA (by percentage) for a day they have lost two straight and after tonight's game with the Pacers they have to face Lebron and a very good Cavs team. We really need to get back on track tonight and head into that game with the Cavs with some confidence. The offense looked pretty out of sync last Thursday against the Celtics with the exception of only a couple players.

Yesterday marked the beginning of my fourth week of my new healthier lifestyle. I weighed myself again and am down to 182 pounds. That is eight pounds lighter than I was when I started this adventure of fruits, veggies, and everyday exercise. Ten pounds in a month was more than I could have expected and I am on track for that easy. I am pretty excited about all of this and it only came with a small price of not having alcohol or sodas and taking care of myself since new years. Wasn't a problem at all. Jon Adams: being a better human sine 2009. That will sound much more prestigious in five to ten years I'm hoping.

Well, until next time everybody. Take care and go Cards!

Monday, January 19, 2009

It has been nearly two full weeks since my last post so now is as good as time as any to update the ongoing non-happenings that is my life. The job applications continue to pour out into the world with minimal returns. I've heard back from only one job in the last month and that was an email response last Tuesday. The email was to ask what the best time to contact me via phone was and I responded the same day saying that I would be available anytime during the day on weekdays. Of course, I haven't heard from this potential employer since then. Such is life.

In the sporting world we are down to only two remaining teams in the NFL playoffs. I must admit I was rooting for a Cardinals and Ravens showdown in the Superbowl. No definite reason for this, mostly just because the Ravens were the underdog and I am kind of tired of the media coverage that is afforded to certain teams in the league (Steelers included). The Cards making the Superbowl is nothing short of amazing. Everybody, including myself, counted them out in round one but that is why they play the games. I will be rooting for them in the big game and I have become a fan of Larry Fitzgerald throughout these playoffs. Does anybody work as hard as that guy does? I mean, he carries at least an extra five pounds in dreadlocks and still can't be stopped. It really is impressive.

In the NBA I find the lone bright spot of my favorite sports teams. The Orlando Magic find themselves with the second best record in the league behind the Cleveland Cavaliers. Last Friday's game was especially sweet for me because the Magic were in LA playing the Lakers. To fully understand what makes this a sweet game for me you must hold two truths. The first truth is that the Magic won this game by a final score of 109-103. The second truth is that my father is a lifelong Laker fan and thus they have grown to become one of my least favorite teams (because that is just the kind of sports relationship my father and I have). I can't wait to see what the Magic can do once they get Pietrus' defense back after his hand heals up. I am not saying we will finish with the best record in the league or anything but I do believe we have a real chance to make a serious run in the playoffs if we can stay healthy.

On the new year's resolution front, I am happy to report that I have and continue to stick to my workout regiment and dietary changes. I weighed myself on Saturday and I have lost seven pounds over the first two weeks. That is more than I could have anticipated. I feel lighter and generally much better about myself. I haven't had an alcoholic drink since new year's or a soda since I implemented the changes into my life. My friends find me to be slightly boring I think, but I am also useful as a sober driver so it all evens out. Now if I could only find a girl who is as boring as I am...

That is it for now friends, I hope to have something to report soon. Until I do I hope that everyone who stumbles across this finds themselves well and in good fortune.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Well the new year is upon us and I couldn't be happier to see 2008 go. Don't get me wrong I love even numbers and all, but the past year has been a rough one to say the least. Graduating in May was great but the half a year of crippling unemployment has been, well...crippling. Alas, that is the negative and this, being a new year, is the time to focus on the positives. I've already sent out approximately 4 job applications which is almost 1 a day in 2009. At that rate I am bound to find something soon...uh...right?

Another bright spot is my main new year's resolution. I found a website that outlines a 16 week program for getting 6-pack abs. Seeing as I have little else to do and I wouldn't mind having a toned midsection (hey, can't hurt my chances with the ladies I suppose...though my incredible awkwardness will likely do that for me) I thought I would make it my new year's resolution. The website is www.iwantsixpackabs.com in case anybody running across this blog wants to check it out. I am only 2 days into my first week but I can say that following the dietary outlines for this brief time has already helped me feel healthier and the workouts have to be working (nobody in the history of man has ever been as sore as I was today).

That's it for now, I hope everyone had a great holiday season and here's wishing you a happy new year.