Monday, December 22, 2008

My Slacking Ways...

Anybody who may have read the first couple of posts knows that I've slacked on my goal to post at a one post per week rate. For this, I apologize. I have no excuse other than my pure laziness. I am still searching for a job and writing cover letters for applications has taken some of my time, while applying for unemployment has taken some as well. Times are tough.

My fantasy football championship week was this weekend and I was fortunate enough to sneak into the finals. Despite losing Tom Brady in week one and having my second rounder lead the league in drops from a wide receiver (I'm looking at your Braylon Edwards), I got some playoff breaks to go my way and got to the money game. I ran into the regular season points leader and scored one of my higher totals of the year but was outdone by a better week for my opponent. It happens, I was just grateful to be in the money after the injuries and hardships my team had sustained all year.

The holidays are upon us as Christmas is only a couple days away now. Being unemployed it's a bit of a rough year for gift giving but have figured out a few gifts to give my close family members. I would share them but my only fans might be said family members so perhaps after they've received them. I will say merry Christmas because that is the holiday I celebrate with my family (and egocentricity is fun for one), however, I do want to wish everybody a happy or merry whatever holiday they celebrate during this season. I will post again soon, everybody be safe.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fantasy Football, Unemployment, and Not Much Else

It has been just over a week since my last entry and, frankly, little has changed. I am still unemployed and looking for a job while staying at my parent’s place. I guessed I really picked the wrong year to graduate from college. In the off chance that somebody looking for a recent college graduate to fill a position I majored in marketing at San Diego State and also completed the English minor. I have an internship in the marketing department of a publishing company in the bay area. Great, glad we got that out of the way. Not much to report on this week, though the playoffs for my fantasy football league start this week. I am the fifth seed going in, but have had a pretty quick drop from when I was second in the league just three weeks ago. I am just proud that my team made it to the playoffs despite losing Tom Brady after seven minutes into the season. I also dropped Matt Cassel after his first two mostly terrible games, which proved to be something of a mistake of late. My recent decline can be attributed to my having to choose between Jake Delhomme and David Gerrard each week (which I more often than not do incorrectly). Braylon Edwards is also a big reason I didn’t finish a little better. He came into the season with a lot of hype and has really not lived up to any of it. The only stat he leads the league in is dropped passes, ouch. It doesn’t help that both the first and second string quarterbacks are injured for the rest of the year either. I am going to sit him this week in the first round since the Browns are playing the Titans. I want no part of that with Braylon. That being said, I really don’t see myself winning. I will let you know how it goes but I don’t think it will be well.

Outside of fantasy sports, I have applied to another three jobs this week. I have yet to hear from any of the jobs I’ve applied to in the last couple weeks and it’s quite discouraging (especially with my credit card and student loan debt well exceeding my bank account at this point). It’s become more and more difficult to even find part time work. After re-reading this last small paragraph I find it rather depressing so let’s just try and move on…

Christmas is almost here. It is nice to be back up in Northern California with my family for the holidays again. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been able to see them on both Thanksgiving and Christmas. That appears to be the silver lining to my chronic unemployment.

Well, I feel like that is all I have at the time being. I don’t recall if I mentioned it last week but I like to write poetry and have posted most of my poems on my myspace page. I will most likely not be re-posting any on this site but should you want to read them my space can be found by clicking here. I went with Hartford the whale because I am a big fan of the movie Mallrats and it is a blurb from one of my favorite quotes from Brodie Bruce (played by Jason Lee). In addition to the poems there I will likely post any new poems I get around to finishing on this blog as well. Hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s entry and hopefully soon I will have something of more interest to report on. Like a job, that would be grand. Live well.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Introductory Entry

Well, I have come to the realization that I don't want to pigeon hole my blog with a specific theme or topic. That being said, I am sure those who stumble across this blog will most often find information and opinions on select few topics. I plan to use this as a forum to post some of my original poetry in addition to the regular written blog type articles. I am guessing, at this point, that the most frequent topics of discussion here will relate to sports headlines (most likely, but not limited to, those pertaining to my favorite sports teams in each professional and collegiate league), Something I have found of interest in my current day to day activities, or something I just feel like expressing myself on (gotta include that catch all). My favorite sports teams are, in no particular order: San Francisco Giants, Green Bay Packers, Orlando Magic, Ohio State Football, Duke Basketball, and my alma mater San Diego State.

A little about myself, other than my sports teams:

I am currently 23 years of age and graduated from San Diego State University in May 2008 with a bachelor's of science in business administration, marketing emphasis and an English minor. I am originally from Redding, CA which is roughly a two hour drive north of Sacramento. I am still unemployed and actively searching for a marketing position, preferably in the San Francisco Bay Area but I am open to moving wherever I may need to in order to start my career in a fulfilling and challenging position.

This will be a short post as it is going to serve as mostly an introduction. I can't accurately say how often I am going to write an article on here as it depends on what I feel is worth my time to write about and what else I have going on during the week. I can say that my goal is to get something up at least once a week. I really hope some interesting people find and enjoy my blog and I am always open to topic suggestions and/or questions should something strike your fancy.

Thanks for giving me a chance and I hope you find me somewhat interesting. Happy trails.

Monday, October 6, 2008

First Real Post...

Will be coming soon. Just trying to decide which direction I want to go with the blog at this point. I hope to have a solid post by the end of the week.